Sprouts Lab: Committed to Excellence in Education Support

We are not business people. It’s more than a business. We do this for our families, and for other people’s families so we’d like to call ourselves a business for families!

We are also learners like you and your children, parents like yourselves. Along this journey with your child and family, we hope to be of help in some ways or another. And for a start, assisting you with selecting the most appropriate choice of international school in Singapore for your child.

We all want the best for our children. We believe that education has no borders and should be made available to everyone. Where better than Singapore can you find a safe, conducive and global environment for your child to start his or her learning journey? We believe education is an important yet a sprouting part of a lifelong learning experience. We hope to make a difference.

Message from Our Team

We believe each and everyone of us are unique and special.

How our name came about:

Sprout, v.
the process or act of just starting to become and spring forth to never before life, or to new, resurrected life

We all have talents and hidden potentials just waiting to SPROUT・GROW・BLOOM , with tender loving care along the way. We look forward to the future with excitement, waiting to see what each and every one of us can become.
We are constantly striving to make ourselves better, to serve, to contribute, and thus making the world a better place. While maintaining work-life balance, we hope to make this our life’s work.
It is truly inspiring that we can impact somebody else’s life through our little actions.

Kelly Liu ケリー・リュウ 劉晶晶

Homegrown Singaporean

Lived in Japan for nearly 20 years (Tokyo, Chiba, Nara)

Mother of a beautiful daughter

English 100%
Japanese 90%
Chinese 90%

Emerlyn teoh エメリン 張瑜娗

Homegrown Singaporean

Wears many hats both in professional and personal life

Mother of a fabulous son

English 100%
Chinese 100%
Japanese 60%

Make an inquiry today!

Ready to find the perfect international school in Singapore for your child? Connect with our experts and begin your journey towards a world-class education experience!

For details on our range of support packages and options menu, please check out “Our Services” and feel free to make an inquiry.