International School Enrollment:
Your Questions Answered
Most schools admit preschool, lower primary children with little or no English background. Some may require you to take an assessment or go through an interview. This is usually to assess if you need English (EAL) support which usually attracts an additional fee.
However for the older children, around from grade 5 and above, most schools have an assessment test to determine if they are able to support you during the classes, if they are a good fit, or if you should enroll into a ‘Foundation’ class.
Different schools have different age cut off dates and uses different national systems in their grade placements. For example, Grade 4 (US system) is equivalent to Year 5 (UK system), with the exception of Australian schools where Y4 is the same as G4. So no, your child is not skipping a year.
(*Information may differ in some countries, please use this as a guideline.) While younger students are more likely to be placed in an age-appropriate grade, if there is an assessment test, the school will make the final decision based on the test results and school reports.
Some parents did vast research and contacted the schools themselves. In many cases, they still decided to engage us because the more they research the more they find it hard to choose, or they failed to receive a response from the school, or they are unsure which schools their child has a higher chance in enrollment without having to spend money applying to many. More importantly we would like to share with you our experiences what are the tips and other points you should also look out for, which can be important to know before enrollment.
We accept overseas bank transfers through WISE (One of the more economical ways for overseas families. Account registration is free), local Singapore bank transfers or PAYNOW.
(※Please make payment only after you have received an invoice from us)
The IBMYP is a framework, usually a 5-year programme. Students are assessed through activities which can be written or presentations. It is more project-based. Focus more on skills than content-based learning. IGCSE is a 2-year programme based on UK curriculum and is exam-based with defined syllabus.
(Talk with our consultant to know more about it!)
We are a “at-home”(literally) Singapore-based company. Our team are mostly working parents, currently working remotely from home or overseas. Thus as of now, we do not see the need of having a physical office.
We prefer to Go Green (less commute, less carbon emissions) and operate leanly so we do not have to pass on such operating costs to the families. We hope to offer our services at the most affordable fees as possible.
However, if you are in Singapore and prefer to meet in person, of course we would be happy to arrange to meet in a office setting or nice, quiet cafe at your convenience. Otherwise, we are always glad to meet you online via a video call.
A free 30min online pre-consultation is offered to all first inquiry.
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