School Enrollment Services at Sprouts Lab: Tailoring Your Child's Educational Journey

Services we provide:

Your child’s education is a vital decision, that’s why we prioritise your family’s unique requirements and preferences when recommending the top international schools in Singapore. Our goal is to ensure your child finds joy, engagement, and success in a nurturing educational environment. 

Depending on your needs, you may choose a comprehensive “Support Package” (fees from S$250) and/or one of our frequently used add-on services from the “Options Menu” (fees from S$100).

For a tailored approach, please reach out for a FREE pre-consultation.

All our PACKAGES include the following BASIC support services:


Comprehensive Support Packages

Domestic School Transfer Package

Transferring from one school to another.

You would be holding an existing valid visa for stay, usually Dependent Pass.

The basic support will includes 3 campus visits.

Expatriate Package

New enrolment into an International school. 

Your company will apply for your Employment Pass (EP) and your family’s Dependent Pass (DP) on your behalf.

The basic support includes 4 campus visits.

Business Owner Package

New enrolment into an International school. 

Relocating to Singapore to set up business or investing? 

You would be holding an Employment Pass or Dependent Pass.

For support details, please feel free to make an inquiry.

Foreign Student Package

Moving to Singapore to continue or further your studies?

You would be holding a Student pass, with or without an accompanying parent or female relative as caregiver.

Application for Student Pass ie required and for the latter, Long-Term visit pass with a sponsor is required. 

For details, please feel free to make an inquiry.

Options Menu
(from S$100)

Short Term Programmes, Language Schools, Camps

Experience Singapore’s education environment while powering up your English proficiency.

  • 1-4 weeks short term programmes (fees for 1-week from S$800)
  • Does not require student passes
  • For individuals or groups
  • Language courses available all year round
  • Summer, winter camps during the school holidays only

*Programmes longer than 4 weeks requires a Student Pass or other valid visas


International Schools, Private Educational Institutions, etc. who are interested to work with us.
Schools within or outside of Singapore who are interested in exchange programmes or marketing in Singapore or overseas and require local support, please contact us!

We’re keen to collaborate, to learn, to share and grow with you.

Make an inquiry today!

Ready to find the perfect international school in Singapore for your child? Connect with our experts and begin your journey towards a world-class education experience!

For details on our range of support packages and options menu, please check out “Our Services” and feel free to make an inquiry.